Muna Hussen is an experienced marketing and fundraising specialist with almost 15 years of experience helping brands and charities achieve their goals. Muna has an impressive track record of developing successful fundraising and marketing strategies that have had a significant impact on a range of organisations. Muna was Head of Marketing and Fundraising at The Bike Project, and helped grow their community fundraising from £60k to well over £400k. She is now the UK Lead for Raisely, a free all in one fundraising platform, and supports charities large and small launch successful fundraising campaigns.
Sarah Goddard is a values-driven Public Fundraising specialist with over 16 years fundraising and leadership experience across community, events and individual giving and brings these areas together as ‘Public Fundraising’. Sarah is passionate about the power individuals and communities have in helping charities achieve change. As a consultant she specialises in helping fundraisers build relationships with supporters – inspiring supporters to give and fundraise in the ways they choose, to make a difference.
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