#IGSummit 2022


With thanks to our sponsors

Powered by Everywhere+


Click here to get your Certificate of Completion for the Individual Giving Conference 2022. Share it with HR, post it on your socials or have it framed!

Engaging and accessible legacy events that can reach anyone, anywhere. Chat to one of our team today to find out how we’ve supported over 400 charities with their virtual events. Email: simon@everywhereplus.com

Behavioural Science & The Cost Of Living Crisis

Instant storytelling through design

Sponsored by Roots + Wings

Roots + Wings is a holistic charity management consultancy, supporting non-profit organisations of all sizes to maximise their potential, run by Shivonne Graham and Lucy Scanlon. We are in the business of charity evolution – we will help you take your organisation from start-up to sustainable, from hand-to-mouth to going concern, and if you’re good already, how to get to great and world-class.

We offer our clients bespoke support on all areas of charity management including fundraising, marketing & communications, governance & leadership, organisational strategy and talent management.

Whatever your size and scope, the answer to your challenge, the solution to your problem, is already there. We can help you find it and bring it to light. How do we know? Because we’ve been doing it for the last 25 years.

What else would you like to see?
Let us know.

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