
Great Virtual Events For People That Do Good.

We're on a mission to make engaging and accessible events possible for everyone, everywhere.

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Who We Work With

A photograph of a person holding out their hands filled with coins and a message that reads "Make a change"


We've worked with hundreds of charities on their virtual events to help them build relationships, grow communities and raise money.

5 people sitting around a white table in a meeting together, they are looking at a screen.


We work with values driven businesses to help them drive leads and reach new clients.

A man looking at a laptop, he appears to be in a video call with a woman.


We work with freelances and consultants who do good, on virtual events that help them achieve maximum impact with minimum resource.

What You Can Do With Everywhere+

We’ve hosted hundreds of successful virtual events for organisers just like you.

Take a look at some of our favourites.

What Features You Get

With Everywhere+ you’ll give your audience an unforgettable experience.

We have a host of amazing pre-built features that you can choose from.

We can also make your event completely bespoke to your individual requirements.

Sample Everywhere Plus events with custom branding

Widget with the words: Real human support. Icon of a person with a headset on.

Real Human Support

One of the scary sides of virtual events, is getting things to run smoothly for everyone. We have your back. Everywhere+ provides a livestream engineer for your event, to help make sure everything runs smoothly and to give you peace of mind. You will also have Customer Service available during the project to help you troubleshoot any tech issues you run into, or if you just want to explore some new ideas. We’re always on hand to keep your event moving.

Widget with the words: Built for your brand. Icon of a spanner tool.

Built For Your Brand

This isn’t the same as your typical Webinar. Everywhere+ builds your event from the ground up, to create a customised experience perfect for engaging your audiences, and keep them coming back.

Widget with the words: Streams that do. Icon of a online video call.

Streams That Do

You’d be forgiven for thinking that most webinar providers are just expanded versions of meeting rooms. That's not the case here. Layer in background music, add in custom stream colours, name tags, ticker tapes, banners, custom welcome, interval, or thank you slides for pre-and post-video stream and more.

Hover Over A Feature To Learn More

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The Virtual Event Platform For Charities

We're on a mission to make engaging and accessible events possible for everyone, everywhere.

Everywhere+ is a virtual events platform designed specifically for charities.


Contact Nikki, Simon and the team
[email protected]
+44 333 015 6154

Privacy Policy

VAT no. 3697807TH

Registered address: 61 Teeling Way, Dublin, DO3 PW01, Ireland

Share your work email and we'll be in touch to set up a demo

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